To become a member of AIM World, you should purchase the AIM World Global Package worth $288 (shipping fee not included) at the entry level.
Sapphire ($288),
Emerald ($864) and
Diamond ($1440).
Each package are all equivalent to a single account but with different corresponding products and points in which the Diamond has the maximum potential income. The Emerald and Diamond package, though single account, will be converted to 3 and 7 accounts respectively as you achieve the required points for re-entry.
Each package are all equivalent to a single account but with different corresponding products and points in which the Diamond has the maximum potential income. The Emerald and Diamond package, though single account, will be converted to 3 and 7 accounts respectively as you achieve the required points for re-entry.
you are in a country where multiple accounts are allowed like INDIA, the
Emerald and Diamond package are not available. Instead, you can purchase up to 7 AIM World Sapphire Global Package to
maximize your earning potential. You can start immediately with 7 accounts
under your name if you purchase 7 AIM World Sapphire Global Package.
What do you get from the AIM World Global Package?
the price of $288 USD (for Sapphire),
you will get products worth $490
USD! The AIM World Global Package contains 3 iPro-tect 24/7 packets with free
necklace, 1 iProtect Home packet with case and 6 packs of Careleaf with
20 patches each pack. This will be delivered to you via EMS POST OFFICE.
For Emerald and Diamond Global Package (available on US, Canada,
Australia and New Zealand only), please check the included products below.
Enjoy 25% - 30% Lifetime Discount on all AIM WORLD PRODUCTS.
Real-time internet-based access to your AIM WORLD ACCOUNT 24/7
LOG IN LINK: http://my.aimworld.today/aimworld/login
Enjoy the Privilege of being an Independent Distributor and have your own GLOBAL BUSINESS with SIX (6) Major Ways to Earn.
As distributor you should;
1. PROMOTE and sell products of the Company.
2. INTRODUCE and SHARE the business opportunity to people who might also be interested to have a PERSONAL BUSINESS and earn additional income.
You will have your own BANCO DE ORO (BDO) Mastercard Atm Card provided by the company. You will see your BANCO DE ORO APPLICATION form inside your DATA-TRACKING CENTER (DTC). Fill in this form, after ATM processing, your card will be linked to your own DTC. And it will be shipped to your shipping address.
All BDO MASTERCARD encashment credit date is every FRIDAY only 7pm - 9pm PHILIPPINE TIME , Encashment cut-off time inside your DTC is 5:00 AM Friday.
How are you going to make money on
AIM World?
*Here are the Six Ways To Earn*.
If you are an AIM World distributor, you
automatically get a discount every time you purchase AIM World products such as
iPro-tect 24/7 or CareLeaf. You can sell this at the suggested retail price
(SRP) and profit from it! Here are the SRP and distributor’s price (DP) of
iProtect 24/7 and CareLeaf.
24/7 sachet
SRP: $50
DP: $36
SRP: $50
DP: $36
SRP: $40
DP: $30
SRP: $40
DP: $30
means that you could earn $14 for every iProtect 24/7 sold (almost 915 INR) and $10 for every
CareLeaf sold (almost 654 INR).
will earn a Direct Referral Bonus of $30* (almost 1,960 INR) for every AIM World
Sapphire Global Package sold, or for every person you have directly recruited
to join AIM World. If you sold Emerald Global package, your direct referral
bonus is $90 and
if you sold Diamond Global Package, you will earn $150!
Sales Bonus / Pairing Bonus. Just like AIM Global (the Mother Company of AIM WORLD),
will have two sales group. The left sales group and the right sales
group. Under our BINARY PROGRAM.
AIM World Sapphire Global Package is
equivalent to 1500 binary points.
For every 1500
binary points on your left sales group that matches with 1500 binary points on the
right sales group, you will earn a match sales bonus of $40 (almost 2,613 INR)
means that for every Sapphire Global Package sold on your left sales group that
matches with another Sapphire Global Package on your right sales group, you
will earn $40, regardless
of who sold the package, as long as they are under your organization.
Each AIM World EMERALD Global Package is equivalent to 4500 binary points. For every 4500 binary points on your left sales group that matches with 4500 binary points on the right sales group, you will earn a match sales bonus of $120.
Each AIM World DIAMOND Global Package is equivalent to 7500 binary points. For every 7500 binary points on your left sales group that matches with 7500 binary points on the right sales group, you will earn a match sales bonus of $200.
Each AIM World EMERALD Global Package is equivalent to 4500 binary points. For every 4500 binary points on your left sales group that matches with 4500 binary points on the right sales group, you will earn a match sales bonus of $120.
Each AIM World DIAMOND Global Package is equivalent to 7500 binary points. For every 7500 binary points on your left sales group that matches with 7500 binary points on the right sales group, you will earn a match sales bonus of $200.
is the fastest way to earn here in AIM World. Each product also has equivalent
binary points.
Since we are pairing points and not recruits, you can earn by pairing
Global Package (1500 points) to Global Package (1500 points),
Global Package (1500 points) to Products (accumulated 1500 points), or Products (accumulated 1500 points) to Products (accumulated 1500 points).
Since we are pairing points and not recruits, you can earn by pairing
Global Package (1500 points) to Global Package (1500 points),
Global Package (1500 points) to Products (accumulated 1500 points), or Products (accumulated 1500 points) to Products (accumulated 1500 points).
Emerald and Diamond have 4500 binary points and 7500 binary points
respectively, which mean that you will earn more pairing bonus from them.
Just remember, every 1500 points paired at the left and right, whether the points came from Sapphire, Emerald or Diamond Global Package, you will earn $40.
Just remember, every 1500 points paired at the left and right, whether the points came from Sapphire, Emerald or Diamond Global Package, you will earn $40.
You can earn a
maximum of 16 pairs per day. This is equivalent to $640/day maximum potential
income (almost 41,804 INR per day!), or $19,840/month
maximum potential income for 1 account! (almost 1,295,940 INR per month!)
will get additional 10% unilevel bonus from the product reorders for each of your
directly sponsored downline and 5% unilevel bonus from the second level up to
the 10th level. A maintenance of 0.3334
positional points from the previous month is required to earn from this.
If you become a member of AIM World, you will
start as a Distributor*. If you and your team accumulated 10 positional points by buying AIM World products (remember, each
product has points!), you will be promoted to Silver Executive. Once you are promoted as Silver Executive, you
will get an additional 10% overriding commission to all the products purchased
and AIM World Global Package** sold by the Distributors under your
you accumulate 100 points, you will
be promoted as Gold Executive. You
will now earn additional 20% commission from all the distributors’ sales under
your team and 10% commission from all the Silver Executive.
1000 positional points and you will
be promoted as Global Ambassador! As
a Global Ambassador, you will get 10% commissions from all Gold Executive, 20%
commission from all Silver Executive and 30% commission from all Distributors
under your team up to infinity!
you purchased the Emerald and Diamond Global Package, you will get additional
accounts (re-entry) which will be added directly below your first account as
you earn more stairsteps points and gets promoted.
AIM Global, you will have Stairsteps commission even on AIM World Global
Package! This is another improvement to the marketing plan! Computations of
commissions will be done on the stairsteps commissional points of each product
or Global Package (AIM World Sapphire Global Package has stairstep points of
This is your STAIRSTEP commission on every Sapphire Global package sold if you are a SILVER EXECUTIVE ($4.5):
On the example as shown on the image, a Global Ambassador can earn
$13.5/GP from the sale of his Distributor downlines. A maintenance of 0.3334
positional points from the previous month is required to earn from this. You
will earn more stairstep commissions for Emerald and Diamond.
This is your STAIRSTEP commission on every Sapphire Global package sold if you are a SILVER EXECUTIVE ($4.5):
Your commission on every EMERALD Global package sold
if you are a SILVER EXECUTIVE ($16):
Your commission on every DIAMOND Global package sold
if you are a SILVER EXECUTIVE ($30):
This is your STAIRSTEP commission on every Sapphire Global package sold if you are a GOLD EXECUTIVE ($9):
Your commission on every EMERALD Global package sold
if you are a GOLD EXECUTIVE ($32):
Your commission on every DIAMOND Global package sold
if you are a GOLD EXECUTIVE ($60):
you become a Global Ambassador, you will still earn 2% from all the Global Ambassador under your team up to 5th level.
This system was made to push up promotion. Once someone under your team was
promoted as a Global Ambassador, you will automatically be pushed up and become
a Global Ambassador too! And you will earn 2% commission! Even if you are shy,
if your downline become Global Ambassador, you too will benefit from it!
We also have Travel Incentives: US Trip, Europe Trip, Asian Cruise Trip, Hong Kong Trip, Korea Trip, etc. The company also provides Profit Sharing to all the qualifiers!
We also have Travel Incentives: US Trip, Europe Trip, Asian Cruise Trip, Hong Kong Trip, Korea Trip, etc. The company also provides Profit Sharing to all the qualifiers!
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